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Agenda Item

AC-1 23-2011 Agenda Response and eComments - December 4, 2023

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    Rabaab Khattab about 1 year ago

    I am commenting today in support of the proposed cease-fire resolution. To date, over 20,000 people have been murdered in Gaza. Tens of thousands more have been injured. After the recent,brief ceasefire, Israel has only continued bombarding Palestinian men, women, & children. Although these actions take place on an international stage, what is happening in Gaza still should be a local concern. The bombs that Israel drops on people in Gaza are American bombs, paid for by American tax-dollars. We are enabling this genocide. We have the power to push for this genocide to end. This City Council has a proud tradition of being on the right side of history, including passing a resolution prohibiting the use of city funds for the purchase of goods produced in apartheid South Africa in 1986. You, as Ann Arbor City Council members, have a duty and a responsibility to listen to your constituents & pass this resolution to indicate to all that Ann Arbor stands on the side of justice and liberation.