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Agenda Item
Jon Barrett, Zoning Coordinator
eComments for the Board may be left via our Legistar calendar page (column to the very right)
Zoning Board of Appeals meetings are typically held the fourth Wednesday of each month. All persons are encouraged to participate in public meetings. Persons requiring translation or sign language services
or other accommodations may contact the City Clerk's office at 734.794.6140; via e-mail to: ; or by written request addressed and mailed to: City Clerk's Office, 301 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Requests need to be received at least two (2) business days in advance of the meeting.
Zoning Board of Appeals meeting agendas and packets are available from the Legislative Information Center on the City Clerk's page of the City's website ( ). Zoning Board of Appeals meetings have transitioned to a hybrid meeting model. The City of Ann Arbor highly encourages the public to view and participate in public meetings remotely due to the high COVID-19 transmission rate in Washtenaw County. In order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, protect the health of meeting attendees, minimize the possibility of disrupting the meeting, and thereby promote public participation by creating a safer meeting environment, City Council has established a regulation that all in-person attendees at meetings are required to wear a mask. See the Mask Requirement signage that is posted throughout City Hall. The City of Ann Arbor has existing COVID-19safety rules that are required of visitors entering city facilities. If you choose to attend a meeting in-person, the following safety rules are expected to be observed. These include:
Masks - Required in Council Chambers. Masks are available at the guest services desk in the lobby of Larcom City Hall.
Physical Distancing - Individuals should be physically distanced from one another at least 6 feet.
Illness - Anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, who has symptoms of COVID-19, or has had recent close contact with someone with COVID-19, should not attend a public meeting.