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City Planning Commission - This meeting will be broadcast on CTN Cable Channel 16, ATT Channel 99, and at Public comment can be made in person, or by calling: 877 853 5247 or 888 788 0099 Enter Meeting ID: 977 6634 1226
Meeting Time: March 15, 2022 at 7:00pm EDT
Closed for Comment March 15, 2022 at 5:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
Select an Agenda Item to Comment on.
7-a. 22-0507 Public Hearings Scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting
Legislation Text
8-a. 22-0525 Two Amendments to the Chapter 55 - Unified Development Code for City Council Approval are proposed as described below: 1. Religious Assembly Use in M1 district: Amendment to Section 5.15.1 (Primary Uses), Table 5-15-1 (Primary Use Table), to add religious assembly use as a permitted use in the M1 (Limited Industrial) zoning district. 2. Minimum Lot Size in R2A District: Amendment to Section 5.17.3 (Residential Zoning Districts), Table 5-17-2 (Two-Family Residential Zoning District Dimensions) to change the minimum lot size from 8,500 square feet to 5,000 square feet, to change the minimum lot width from 60 feet to 40 feet, and to change the minimum lot area per dwelling unit from 4,250 square feet to 2,500 square feet. Staff Recommendation: Approval
Legislation Text
3-15-22 Planning Staff Report Delta Two UDC Amendments with Attachments.pdf
8-b. 22-0524 Three Amendments to the Chapter 55 - Unified Development Code for City Council Approval are proposed as described below: 1. Marijuana License Types and Numbers of Licenses Per Lot: Amendment to Section 5.16.3.G (Marijuana Facility use specific standards) to delete paragraph d (Number of State Marijuana Licenses Per Lot) and paragraph e (Types of Marijuana Facilities Per Lot). 2. Street Tree Escrow: Amendment to Section 5.20.10.B (Street Trees Required With Site Plan Developments) to remove references to street tree escrow and instead require a street tree planting fee. 3. Landscape Modifications: Amendment to Section 5.30.1 (Landscape Modifications) to add standards of approval for flexibility in street tree requirements to the list of other landscaping and screening requirements that can be modified on a proposed site plan, and other minor changes for consistency and clarity. Staff Recommendation: Approval
Legislation Text
3-15-22 Planning Staff Report Delta Three UDC Amendments with Attachment.pdf
9. REGULAR BUSINESS - Project Presentation, Staff Report, Public Hearing and Commission Discussion of Each Item
9-a. 22-0508 Ann Arbor Chinese Church Expansion for City Planning Commission Approval - Proposal to expand existing church by 9,200 square feet to provide a social gathering area and classrooms. The stormwater management detention basin is being expanded to provide required storage. Additional landscaping is being provided for the conflicting land use buffer to the adjacent residential areas of this 8.51-acre site zoned R4A (Multiple-Family Residential) located at 1750 Dhu Varren Road. Staff Recommendation: Approval
Legislation Text
AA CCC Staff Report w Maps 3-15-22.pdf
Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church Site Plan.pdf
9-b. 22-0509 Public Hearing Only Maple Cove II for City Planning Commission Approval - Proposal to construct a 70 unit apartment complex consisting of 3 buildings (79,482 square feet). Construction will include 86 vehicle parking spaces, 38 bicycle parking spaces, underground stormwater detention and associated utilities on this 2.56-acre site located at 1577, 1605, 1633 North Maple Road and 2510 Miller Road zoned O (Office).
Legislation Text
MEMO Maple Cove Planning Commission 3-09-22.pdf
10a. 22-0510 Commission Review of Proposed UM Workforce Housing Resolution
Legislation Text
Draft UM Workforce Housing Resolution.pdf
11. PUBLIC COMMENT (Persons may speak for three minutes on any item.)
Sarah Mills, Chairperson /mia gale
eComments for the Commission may be left via our Legistar calendar page (column to the very right) Commission public meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month. Both of these meetings provide opportunities for the public to address the Commission. All persons are encouraged to participate in public meetings. Citizens requiring translation or sign language services or other reasonable accommodations may contact the City Clerk's office at 734.794.6140; via e-mail to:; or by written request addressed and mailed to: City Clerk's Office, 301 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Requests need to be received at least two (2) business days in advance of the meeting. Planning Commission meeting agendas and packets are available from the Legislative Information Center on the City Clerk's page of the City's website ( ). Agendas and packets are also sent to subscribers of the City's email notification service, GovDelivery. You can subscribe to this free service by accessing the City's website and clicking on the 'Subscribe to Updates' envelope on the home page. (If an agenda item is postponed, it will most likely be rescheduled to a future date. If you would like to be notified when a postponed agenda item will appear on a future agenda please contact Planning staff. You may also call Planning and Development Services at 734-794-6265 during office hours to obtain additional information about the review schedule or visit the Planning page on the City's website ( (Public Hearings: Individuals may speak for three minutes. Please state your name and address for the record.) Comments about a proposed project are most constructive when they relate to: (1) City Code requirements and land use regulations, (2) consistency with the City Master Plan, or (3) additional information about the area around the petitioner's property and the extent to which a proposed project may positively or negatively affect the area.) These meetings are typically broadcast on Ann Arbor Community Television Network Comcast 16 / AT&T 99 live at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month and replayed the following Saturdays at 8:00 PM. Recent meetings can also be streamed online from the CTN Video On Demand page of the City's website . The complete record of this meeting is available in video format at, or is available for a nominal fee by contacting CTN at (734) 794-6150 City Planning Commission regular meetings are transitioning to a hybrid meeting model. The City of Ann Arbor highly encourages the public to view and participate in public meetings remotely due to the high COVID-19 transmission rate in Washtenaw County. In order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, protect the health of meeting attendees, minimize the possibility of disrupting the meeting, and thereby promote public participation by creating a safer meeting environment, City Council has established a regulation that all in-person attendees at meetings are required to wear a mask. See the Mask Requirement signage that is posted throughout City Hall. The City of Ann Arbor has existing COVID-19 safety rules that are required of visitors entering city facilities. If you choose to attend a meeting in-person, the following safety rules are expected to be observed. These include: Masks - Required indoors. Masks are available at the guest services desk in the lobby of Larcom City Hall. Physical Distancing - Individuals should be physically distanced from one another at least 6 feet. Illness - Anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, who has symptoms of COVID-19, or has had recent close contact with someone with COVID-19, should not attend a public meeting.
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