8-b. 22-0524 Three Amendments to the Chapter 55 - Unified Development Code for City Council Approval are proposed as described below:
1. Marijuana License Types and Numbers of Licenses Per Lot: Amendment to Section 5.16.3.G (Marijuana Facility use specific standards) to delete paragraph d (Number of State Marijuana Licenses Per Lot) and paragraph e (Types of Marijuana Facilities Per Lot).
2. Street Tree Escrow: Amendment to Section 5.20.10.B (Street Trees Required With Site Plan Developments) to remove references to street tree escrow and instead require a street tree planting fee.
3. Landscape Modifications: Amendment to Section 5.30.1 (Landscape Modifications) to add standards of approval for flexibility in street tree requirements to the list of other landscaping and screening requirements that can be modified on a proposed site plan, and other minor changes for consistency and clarity. Staff Recommendation: Approval