DC-1 19-1567 Motion to Reconsider the August 5, 2019 Vote that Defeated the Resolution to Proceed with a Road Reconfiguration Pilot for Green Road, from Burbank to Plymouth Road
This road reconfiguration as proposed is needed to help keep pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers safer. It is really embarrassing to see CMs disparaging science-based proposals in favor of the feelings expressed by a few citizens who have absolutely no expertise in road design or public safety. None of the road reconfiguration proposals from last Council Meeting were costly to implement, mostly just paint on the road. What Ann Arbor really needs is better pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure, not just lip service from self-proclaimed "pedestrian safety advocates".
This road reconfiguration as proposed is needed to help keep pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers safer. It is really embarrassing to see CMs disparaging science-based proposals in favor of the feelings expressed by a few citizens who have absolutely no expertise in road design or public safety. None of the road reconfiguration proposals from last Council Meeting were costly to implement, mostly just paint on the road. What Ann Arbor really needs is better pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure, not just lip service from self-proclaimed "pedestrian safety advocates".