Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: August 05, 2019 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

DS-2 19-0956 Resolution to Proceed with a Road Reconfiguration Pilot for Traverwood Drive, from Huron Parkway to Plymouth Road

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    Luis Vazquez over 5 years ago

    I am willing to spend the extra 5-10 minutes in travel time going through road reconfigurations if it means saving someone's life. Also, I would like to express appreciation for the efforts of the Transportation Commission and City Staff who have worked hard on this issue, and would like to see their efforts rewarded with implementation of these road improvements.

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    Matthew Catanzarite over 5 years ago

    1. Data shows Pedestrian Deaths with Speed: 20mph=10%::30mph=50%::40mph=90%.

    2. The primary purpose of road diets is to reduce vehicle speed through narrowing of excessive road width.
    Bike lanes are often included as it is an easy and cost effective way to achieve that narrowing,
    but road diets are aimed at slowing vehicles to reduce the number and severity of crashes for all roadway users.

    3. The addition of parking on Traverwood will slow vehicle speeds as intended,
    while also adding greater access to Transit both through AAATA and UM services.
    This is a win-win for the entire community.