C-3 19-0989 An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map, Being a Part of Section 5:10.2 of Chapter 55 of Title V of the Code of Ann Arbor, Rezoning of 8 Acres from R4B (Multiple-Family Dwelling District) to R4D Multiple-Family Dwelling District) WITH CONDITIONS, Brightdawn Village Rezoning(2805 Burton Road) (CPC Recommendation: Denial - 0 Yeas and 7 Nays)
I am a concerned citizen, parent, and homeowner in the Forestbrooke subdivision that is adjacent to where the Brightdawn apartment development is being proposed. As similar homeowners from the area have expressed, I am against the re-zoning for the following reasons: Existing Zoning is already multiple family dwelling, with this proposed increase being non-congruent with the city’s current expectations for both increasing affordable housing as well as maintaining consistency with local communities. Traffic will be substantially increased, considering that each dwelling will be multifamily housing and the potential for additional hundreds of commuters to the area. Well my concerns in this message are succinct and limited, I do wish to emphasize my real concern that this development does not benefit the city of Ann Arbor in a fashion consistent with sustained and positive growth. Please consider the impact of what the developer is proposing in relation to the local residents.
I oppose this rezoning for the many reasons my neighbors have stated below--it doesn't fit the city's master plan, the parcel has already been rezoned, the proposed development is grossly out of character with the neighboring community, and the auto traffic created by the influx of up to 600+ new residents creates an undue burden on the existing neighborhood, which is already negatively impacted by large amounts of traffic cutting through from Packard to Washtenaw. Additionally, I have serious concerns about the developer's willingness to build quality housing that will mitigate the enormous amount of low-frequency noise from this particular stretch of US-23. This section of 23 is unusually noisy because of the Washtenaw on-ramp, the proximity to the 94 ramps, and the Carpenter Rd overpass. Despite raising this concern to the developer several times, their plans don't include noise-dampening measures. Please follow Planning Commission & vote no on this poorly planned proposal to rezone
I am a resident of the Forestbrooke Community at 2824 Lillian Road and strongly oppose this rezoning.
Already we have a large volumes of commuter that cut through our Community between Packard and Washtenaw. This proposed development would add to what is already a busy thoroughfare. This will be especially taxing in the area on Yost Boulevard near the neighborhood Pool at the very heart of Forestbrooke. This area is highly traversed by pedestrians from the lower half of the community taking walks, traveling to the shopping district on Washtenaw, and by kids on their way to Pittsfield Elementary. All having to walk in the street as this section of Yost does not have a sidewalk.
I am also highly concerned with the prospect of a 4 story complex and it's juxtaposition with a quaint 1960's 1 and 2 story single family home development. The character of Forestbrooke would be greatly adversely affected by the addition of this structure as proposed.
I opposed this rezoning. This proposal does not fit the city's master plan. The city needs to take into account that a proper traffic study has not been completed nor is there enough parking available for the proposed development. As a parent of a young child I am very concerned about the massive influx of traffic this development will bring to our streets and impact the safety of our children who walk/bike to school and our local pool. I urge you to not support this rezoning.
I oppose this rezoning. The parcel was originally rezoned from R1C to R4B (despite city master plan calling for R1C) which went from 48 dwellings to 120 dwellings possible years ago. Due to the economy at the time, the planned development fell through. R4B was already to much of a burden on the neighboring community. The new push to go to 160 units is absurd and even further away from what the city's own plan is and what the community and infrastructure can support. The city and community shouldn't be forced to pay for a developer's greed. If the developer wants to make a 120 unit development, then execute. The 160 units impose too much of a traffic influx risk, this is documented via a poorly done traffic survey that doesn't include the neighboring subdivision that is impacted. The buildings do not remotely meet the character of the community, they're 50 ft 4 story buildings adjacent to 1 and 2 story single family homes. I could state more, but only get 1000 characters.
This parcel was rezoned 12 years ago from the Master Plan's R1C to R4B. Has anything changed? What good is a Master Plan if any developer (who presumably knew the parcel zoning when he purchased it) can come into our community and willy-nilly think we will SPOT ZONE for his convenience (and profit)?
This proposed development is out of character to the adjacent neighborhoods (50 ft bldgs) and would require opening Burton to Eli and causing dangerous concerns for all the neighborhood children.
Please vote no on this proposed rezoning and development.
I am a concerned citizen, parent, and homeowner in the Forestbrooke subdivision that is adjacent to where the Brightdawn apartment development is being proposed. As similar homeowners from the area have expressed, I am against the re-zoning for the following reasons: Existing Zoning is already multiple family dwelling, with this proposed increase being non-congruent with the city’s current expectations for both increasing affordable housing as well as maintaining consistency with local communities. Traffic will be substantially increased, considering that each dwelling will be multifamily housing and the potential for additional hundreds of commuters to the area. Well my concerns in this message are succinct and limited, I do wish to emphasize my real concern that this development does not benefit the city of Ann Arbor in a fashion consistent with sustained and positive growth. Please consider the impact of what the developer is proposing in relation to the local residents.
I oppose this rezoning for the many reasons my neighbors have stated below--it doesn't fit the city's master plan, the parcel has already been rezoned, the proposed development is grossly out of character with the neighboring community, and the auto traffic created by the influx of up to 600+ new residents creates an undue burden on the existing neighborhood, which is already negatively impacted by large amounts of traffic cutting through from Packard to Washtenaw. Additionally, I have serious concerns about the developer's willingness to build quality housing that will mitigate the enormous amount of low-frequency noise from this particular stretch of US-23. This section of 23 is unusually noisy because of the Washtenaw on-ramp, the proximity to the 94 ramps, and the Carpenter Rd overpass. Despite raising this concern to the developer several times, their plans don't include noise-dampening measures. Please follow Planning Commission & vote no on this poorly planned proposal to rezone
I am a resident of the Forestbrooke Community at 2824 Lillian Road and strongly oppose this rezoning.
Already we have a large volumes of commuter that cut through our Community between Packard and Washtenaw. This proposed development would add to what is already a busy thoroughfare. This will be especially taxing in the area on Yost Boulevard near the neighborhood Pool at the very heart of Forestbrooke. This area is highly traversed by pedestrians from the lower half of the community taking walks, traveling to the shopping district on Washtenaw, and by kids on their way to Pittsfield Elementary. All having to walk in the street as this section of Yost does not have a sidewalk.
I am also highly concerned with the prospect of a 4 story complex and it's juxtaposition with a quaint 1960's 1 and 2 story single family home development. The character of Forestbrooke would be greatly adversely affected by the addition of this structure as proposed.
I opposed this rezoning. This proposal does not fit the city's master plan. The city needs to take into account that a proper traffic study has not been completed nor is there enough parking available for the proposed development. As a parent of a young child I am very concerned about the massive influx of traffic this development will bring to our streets and impact the safety of our children who walk/bike to school and our local pool. I urge you to not support this rezoning.
I oppose this rezoning. The parcel was originally rezoned from R1C to R4B (despite city master plan calling for R1C) which went from 48 dwellings to 120 dwellings possible years ago. Due to the economy at the time, the planned development fell through. R4B was already to much of a burden on the neighboring community. The new push to go to 160 units is absurd and even further away from what the city's own plan is and what the community and infrastructure can support. The city and community shouldn't be forced to pay for a developer's greed. If the developer wants to make a 120 unit development, then execute. The 160 units impose too much of a traffic influx risk, this is documented via a poorly done traffic survey that doesn't include the neighboring subdivision that is impacted. The buildings do not remotely meet the character of the community, they're 50 ft 4 story buildings adjacent to 1 and 2 story single family homes. I could state more, but only get 1000 characters.
This parcel was rezoned 12 years ago from the Master Plan's R1C to R4B. Has anything changed? What good is a Master Plan if any developer (who presumably knew the parcel zoning when he purchased it) can come into our community and willy-nilly think we will SPOT ZONE for his convenience (and profit)?
This proposed development is out of character to the adjacent neighborhoods (50 ft bldgs) and would require opening Burton to Eli and causing dangerous concerns for all the neighborhood children.
Please vote no on this proposed rezoning and development.