DC-11 19-0531 Resolution Directing the City Administrator to Evaluate Use of 1510 E. Stadium Boulevard for Redevelopment as an Ann Arbor Housing Commission Affordable Housing Location
Perfect.....we need affordable housing in Burns Park, CM Ackerman even said he would love it.....as he berated us residents at the last Lockwood hearing. . What about the "character" of neighborhoods now???
Of course this will never go through and why would WHA be against this one??? Lockwood only offers 38 affordable efficiencies, Sandi?? Thats not that many, surely this site can go vertical and put in at least 38 studios or efficiencies too.
While headed in the right direction, I am disappointed that this resolution is only to request a study of the parcel. It is a small site (.78 acres) that could add a few units, but without scale, the units would likely be quite costly to build.
Perfect.....we need affordable housing in Burns Park, CM Ackerman even said he would love it.....as he berated us residents at the last Lockwood hearing. . What about the "character" of neighborhoods now???
Of course this will never go through and why would WHA be against this one??? Lockwood only offers 38 affordable efficiencies, Sandi?? Thats not that many, surely this site can go vertical and put in at least 38 studios or efficiencies too.
While headed in the right direction, I am disappointed that this resolution is only to request a study of the parcel. It is a small site (.78 acres) that could add a few units, but without scale, the units would likely be quite costly to build.