DB-1 18-0807 Resolution to Approve the Cottages at Barton Green Site Plan, Wetland Use Permit, and Development Agreement, West Side of Pontiac Trail, South of Dhu Varren Road (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 2 Yeas and 7 Nays)
I urge the council to oppose the Barton Green proposed development. I live on Pontiac Trail and am swamped every morning and evening rush hour with lines of cars, idling, waiting to get on or off of Barton. This neighborhood and the streets within it were not planned for such a large infux of traffic. It is difficult now. Adding another 500 cars is irresponsible and dangerous to the residents.
I urge the council to oppose the Barton Green proposed development. I live on Pontiac Trail and am swamped every morning and evening rush hour with lines of cars, idling, waiting to get on or off of Barton. This neighborhood and the streets within it were not planned for such a large infux of traffic. It is difficult now. Adding another 500 cars is irresponsible and dangerous to the residents.