DB-3 18-0970 Resolution to Temporarily Relocate Precinct 1-4 from the Ann Arbor Community Center, 625 N. Main Street, to Second Baptist Church, 850 Red Oak Drive, for the Statewide Primary Election on Tuesday, August 7, 2018
I have concerns about moving this polling place from the easily accessible Community Center, which is located on a transit route, to the neighborhood church quite a ways away, and which has no transit service. What sort of notice will the clerk be sending to 1-4 registered voters informing them of this change, prior to the election, and will there be transit assistance for those who need it?
I have concerns about moving this polling place from the easily accessible Community Center, which is located on a transit route, to the neighborhood church quite a ways away, and which has no transit service. What sort of notice will the clerk be sending to 1-4 registered voters informing them of this change, prior to the election, and will there be transit assistance for those who need it?