Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: May 21, 2018 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

DC-4 18-0926 Resolution to Provide Direction to the City Administrator on the Provision of Solid Waste Services

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    Jeff Hayner over 6 years ago

    I fully support this resolution, and oppose the outsourcing of this service. That the city would consider making changes to, or consider outsourcing Solid Waste collection, until the study/report is complete is questionable. What is the purpose of studying the issue if we are acting without waiting for the study's results? Public/Private partnerships & outsourcing rarely benefit the taxpayer, and they certainly do not benefit the working men and women of our local labor unions. By keeping these job in-house we are able to ensure that a fair wage is paid, that we have proper oversight of the work, and that we retain the flexibility to change our systems as our needs change.

    This part is the most important to me:

    "RESOLVED, That City Council directs the City Administrator to end the practice of using temporary employees rather than properly trained, full-time bargaining unit employees to provide solid waste services unless and until the City Council expressly approves such action."