DC-7 18-0681 Resolution to Direct the City Administrator and City Attorney to Prepare an Ordinance Amendment that Limits the Number of Medical Marijuana Facilities within the City and to Impose a Temporary Moratorium On the Issuance of Provisioning Center Permits With Exceptions
Yes, limit them. It's too much, I feel the same way about the DDA Liquor Licenses. There should be reasonable limits set on certain commercial activities, and having unlimited dispensaries every 600 feet is not reasonable. CM Ackerman argued that the zoning would limit them, but clearly it has not. Back to the drawing board please.
Yes, limit them. It's too much, I feel the same way about the DDA Liquor Licenses. There should be reasonable limits set on certain commercial activities, and having unlimited dispensaries every 600 feet is not reasonable. CM Ackerman argued that the zoning would limit them, but clearly it has not. Back to the drawing board please.