Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: April 16, 2018 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

DC-1 18-0552 Resolution to Amend the Budget and Appropriate Funds Not to exceed $4,200,000.00 from the General Fund Balance to Effect the City's Ownership of 350 South Fifth Avenue ($4,200,000.00) (8 Votes Required)

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    Jeff Hayner almost 7 years ago

    NOPE. No need to speculate on real estate with taxpayer money. If you were serious about even considering exercising this OPTION (not requirement, CM Grand) you would have set aside the amount from the original sale. But you didn't. The idea that this lot has somehow doubled in value is ridiculous, made more so by the fact that no actual assessment has been made public. I'm sure one of the council real estate cronies can forge an assessment to wave around. However, it is clear that this figure will not be based on the current allowed use of the site, but on a new, enlarged site plan that DOES NOT EXIST. As for those of you that would cry about lost opportunities, you didn't care one bit about that the first time you sold the lot, or when 5000 people asked you in writing NOT to sell the Library Lot, so that argument is looking suspiciously like political fodder for your re-election campaigns. Stop playing politics with our money, DO NOT buy back a lot embroiled in litigation.