Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: April 02, 2018 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

CA-6 18-0376 Resolution to Approve Amendment #1 to the City's Contract with Tex Hahn Media, Inc. ("Tex Hahn") for the Public Outreach and Marketing Plan for Utilities (the "Contract") ($23,165.00)

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    Jeff Hayner almost 7 years ago

    $160K is a large amount to spend on PR to convince residents to pay higher utility bills, but I suppose that amount pales in comparison to the revenue this move will generate. I would like to hear City Administrator Lazarus's take on this companies ability to sell people on utility hikes in a way that does not violate Bolt. I assume that he is familiar with their work, as they are based in Austin, TX, his previous city of employment? Will they be directed to package this as somehow helping keep Ann Arbor affordable, in the face of all evidence to the contrary? If Tex Hahn needs any information on the history of the Gelman Plume and how the city's failure to act for the last 35 years has necessitated massive expenses in upgrading the treatment plant let me know, we will be discussing that at tomorrow's CARD meeting.