Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: March 19, 2018 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

F-6 18-0371 Resolution to Establish Priorities for Affordable Housing Portion of Community Mental Health and Public Safety Preservation Millage

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    Jeff Hayner almost 7 years ago

    You are moving to give away money you don't even have, to a cause that is outside of the described use of the millage? It's a perversion of the intent of the millage, and a deceitful effort to transfer money from outlying communities in the County to the city coffers. You should be ashamed of yourselves, it doesn't matter how noble you think your actions, they are still wrong, and go against the wishes of the voters who affirmed their desire to preserve community mental health and public safety. Anyone who supports this is on the record as violating the public trust.