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Agenda Item

AC-1 24-1884 Agenda Response Memo and eComments - November 7, 2024

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    Beth Nazario 3 months ago

    As a resident of Ann Arbor for over two decades, I would like to thank Linh Song for her service to the public. Many young people in Southeast Michigan and Ann Arbor find success and move away. Linh completed her degrees at U of M and chose to stay, always humble and always serving others. From international adoptees to marginalized communities and ultimately every family in Ward 2, Linh's commitment to others cannot be understated. Thank you Linh for your support of Ann Arbor and surrounding areas, and I can't wait to see what's next for you.

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    Lori Roddy 3 months ago

    On behalf of the Neutral Zone Board of Directors, staff and youth, we thank Linh Song for her tremendous service on City Council. Linh cares deeply about young people and committed to supporting youth to know that they belong and matter in our community.
    We are particularly thankful for her service as a liaison to the police oversight commission with a commitment to the safety and wellbeing of young people. And, more recently for advocating for some of the ARPA funds to go directly to community artists who have since dedicated some of their grant funds to share their talents with the Neutral Zone teens. Linh has been a compassionate, thoughtful and accessible leader - we offer our deep gratitude. Warmly, Lori Roddy, Ex. Director of Neutral Zone

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    Kate Delaney 3 months ago

    My name is Kate Delaney, and my husband, Dan Beard, and I are residents of Ward 2. We are submitting this statement to thank the incredible efforts of Linh Song as a Council Member and representative of our community within Ann Arbor. When we moved to Ann Arbor 13 years ago, Linh, her husband and children, welcomed us with open arms, monthly summer park potluck dinners, loving regard, and excellent advice. We were so lucky to have them be both a part of our first moments in this community and to have their family, but Linh especially, as a steady guide and model for our time here. We deeply appreciate the efforts of Linh - to seek justice for all constituents, to happily (always with a fantastic smile and laugh) seek to solve any problem, and to identify, respond to and advocate for all the varied needs of both Ward 2 constituents and families, as well as those across Ann Arbor, southeast Michigan and our midwest region. We are so grateful for your service, Linh. Thank you.