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Agenda Item

AC-1 24-1660 Emergency Change Order with Goddard Coatings for Repair of the Tennis and Pickleball Courts at Burns Park ($8,440.00)

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    Kathleen Semak 5 months ago

    Speaking of pickleball (PB) courts, why were the pb lines removed from the one Hunt Park court? These PB lines were ORIGINALLY painted by the City of Ann Arbor as shown in a Google maps 2022 drone picture. These lines have now been painted over and there is now a brand new shiny sign stating "tennis only". How much time, effort and money was spent on this petty endeavor? According to Josh Landefeld, the Parks and Rec Service manager, they should "never have been installed at Hunt Park. Staff are very aware of the desire for more courts" but instead they are removing existing PB lines. He also stated that one neighbor complained. ONE! after 2 years of these lines being there, one complaint. Something is wrong here. How does one person have such leverage? This is a community park, not an elite tennis club. I challenge all of you to visit Hunt Park on Daniel Street and observe where this ONE court is located. Shame on you all for wasting our tax money and allowing this.