PH-2 24-1292 An Ordinance to Amend Section 5.10.2 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor - Rezoning of 59 Parcels in the Washtenaw Avenue/East Stadium Boulevard Areas to TC1 (Transit Corridor District), (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays) (ORD-24-15)
I support the re-zoning of 59 Parcels in the Washtenaw Avenue/East Stadium Boulevard Areas to TC1. I believe this will greatly improve the sense of place within this proposed area. Helping the area become a safe place for more than just cars. I live near this area and would love to be able to walk to local businesses and feel safe. I also believe this will help Ann Arbor achieve its goals for affordable housing and vision zero.
Thank you for your time,
Kyler Melmoth
2621 Pittsfield Blvd,
Ann Arbor, MI, 48104
Dear Ann Arbor City Council Members,
We are writing to OBJECT to the proposed re-zoning of Washtenaw Ave and East Stadium to TC1. The area is already too congested.
Thank you,
Chauncey and Tory Williams
3453 Wooddale CT,
Ann Arbor, MI 58104
As 35+ year residents of Ann Arbor, we am writing to OBJECT to the proposed re-zoning of Washtenaw Ave and East Stadium to TC1.
Thank you,
Rajiv and Seema Jetli
3463 Wooddale Court,
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Dear Ann Arbor City Council Members,
I support the re-zoning of 59 Parcels in the Washtenaw Avenue/East Stadium Boulevard Areas to TC1. I believe this will greatly improve the sense of place within this proposed area. Helping the area become a safe place for more than just cars. I live near this area and would love to be able to walk to local businesses and feel safe. I also believe this will help Ann Arbor achieve its goals for affordable housing and vision zero.
Thank you for your time,
Kyler Melmoth
2621 Pittsfield Blvd,
Ann Arbor, MI, 48104
Dear Ann Arbor City Council Members,
We are writing to OBJECT to the proposed re-zoning of Washtenaw Ave and East Stadium to TC1. The area is already too congested.
Thank you,
Chauncey and Tory Williams
3453 Wooddale CT,
Ann Arbor, MI 58104
As 35+ year residents of Ann Arbor, we am writing to OBJECT to the proposed re-zoning of Washtenaw Ave and East Stadium to TC1.
Thank you,
Rajiv and Seema Jetli
3463 Wooddale Court,
Ann Arbor, MI 48104