9-c. 23-1543 1710 Dhu Varren Road - Village of Ann Arbor Amended Site Plan and Rezoning for City Council Approval - An amendment to the approved site plan that includes the rezoning of two parcels from Township to R4A (multiple-family residential) and 120 additional residential units along Dhu Varren with an amenities park area and adjacent parking. The total units proposed will be 604 units on the 78.5-acre site. The parcels to be rezoned are 2520 and 2540 Pontiac Trail. The total area of rezoning is 5.9 acres. Staff Recommendation: Approval
I fully expect the City Planning Commission to pass this regardless of any public comments being made. I challenge you to search your voting history where you voted in the best interest of the Ann Arbor residents and nature over more city tax revenue. Regardless of that, adding even more residents to this area is not in the best interests of the residents anywhere in A2. First, street infrastructure (i.e., 1 lane road, no roundabouts) etc cannot handle it - it already cannot handle the growth you've allowed - also water, electricity needs. Infrastructure needs to be built first, then this can be considered. Also A2 says it wants to support sustainability, bee pollinators, nature, then it shouldn't be developing untouched land in the city. That land should remain green - David Attenborough stresses the importance of this. Very hypocritical to preserve farm land outside the city, but not within the city. Only allow redevelopment of improved land, not untouched land!
I fully expect the City Planning Commission to pass this regardless of any public comments being made. I challenge you to search your voting history where you voted in the best interest of the Ann Arbor residents and nature over more city tax revenue. Regardless of that, adding even more residents to this area is not in the best interests of the residents anywhere in A2. First, street infrastructure (i.e., 1 lane road, no roundabouts) etc cannot handle it - it already cannot handle the growth you've allowed - also water, electricity needs. Infrastructure needs to be built first, then this can be considered. Also A2 says it wants to support sustainability, bee pollinators, nature, then it shouldn't be developing untouched land in the city. That land should remain green - David Attenborough stresses the importance of this. Very hypocritical to preserve farm land outside the city, but not within the city. Only allow redevelopment of improved land, not untouched land!