9-a. 23-1541 Amendment to Unified Development Code, Chapter 55 of Ann Arbor City Code: Premiums - Amendments to Sections 5.17.4 (Multiple Family Zoning Districts) and 5.18.6 (Premiums) are being proposed to eliminate all premium floor area options offered in Section 5.18.6 to exceed the normal floor area ratios in certain zoning districts and eliminate the maximum floor area ratio (FAR) standards in the D1 (Downtown Core) and D2 (Downtown Interface) zoning districts provided in Table 5.17-4, of Section 5.17.4, of the Unified Development Code (UDC). With these amendments, no additional floor area beyond the normal limits will be offered as incentives for amenities, and development in the D1 and D2 districts will be only regulated by maximum height, minimum or maximum setbacks, and building massing regulations, plus any other applicable development standards currently provided in code. Staff Recommendation: Approval