Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: December 18, 2017 at 7:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

DC-6 17-2063 Resolution Requesting Staff Review of Mobility in the Lowertown Area

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    Jeff Hayner about 7 years ago

    Suggest this should be completed BEFORE allowing the Lowertown development to move forward. Many residents expressed concerns about the potential impact of the Lowertown development on mobility; traffic studies for that project were not complete & did not take into account additional/aggregate counts from other on-going area development: Nixon Farms, North Sky, UM parking structure. This is a serious flaw in our analysis of site plan impact for Lowertown project. A councilmember who voted in favor of Lowertown re-zoning,site plan, or brownfield plan needs to bring that issue back for discussion in light of these concerns, and this study. It is not fair to the future of the area if that massive project is allowed to slip in under the mobility study wire.
    It was shown in the one incomplete traffic study that the addition of the Lowertown project will result in the major intersections being downgraded to D,E,F status. This automatically disqualifies this project.