CA-3 17-1924 Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Dykema Gossett PLCC for Legal Services Relative to the IRS IDR for the City of Ann Arbor Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 2009-A and Appropriate the Necessary Funds ($10,000.00 amendment/$45,000.00 total contract) (8 Votes Required)
Still spending (wasting) taxpayer money defending the indefensible, the misuse of our city's bonding authority in giving private development the benefits of public investment. The only people profiting off of this are the lawyers. This Core Spaces/Library Lot project is a corrupt as the day is long, and Mayor Taylor and the DDA know it. Pro-development council members had to APPOINT an 8th vote to even sell the rights to this public land. Now here is more proof, the city is doing all it can to fend off the IRS investigation. Enough!
Still spending (wasting) taxpayer money defending the indefensible, the misuse of our city's bonding authority in giving private development the benefits of public investment. The only people profiting off of this are the lawyers. This Core Spaces/Library Lot project is a corrupt as the day is long, and Mayor Taylor and the DDA know it. Pro-development council members had to APPOINT an 8th vote to even sell the rights to this public land. Now here is more proof, the city is doing all it can to fend off the IRS investigation. Enough!