C-1 17-1769 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 103 (Historic Preservation) of Title VIII of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor by Adding Section 8:425.15 Establishing the Inglis House Historic District (Inglis House Study Committee Recommendation: Approval - 3 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Waited too long I'm afraid. We should have even stronger historic districts, as well as buffer rules that are enforced to the benefit of the HD, not new development. I also support districts that are composed of only one property, like this. These single-property districts should have all the protection of traditional districts.
Waited too long I'm afraid. We should have even stronger historic districts, as well as buffer rules that are enforced to the benefit of the HD, not new development. I also support districts that are composed of only one property, like this. These single-property districts should have all the protection of traditional districts.