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Agenda Item

CA-1 22-1932 Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with C.A. Hull for the East Medical Center Drive Bridge Rehabilitation and Widening Project ($9,657,770.26)

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    Victoria Green about 2 years ago

    I apologize that I can't speak at today's meeting.

    Thank you to CMs, city staff and U-M for their work on a new resolution; the widened sidewalk is a substantial usability improvement for pedestrians!

    But there is no -- ZERO -- provision for cyclists.You can't meet your vision zero or your a2zero goals if cyclists can't get to north campus from central campus. The new resolution still leaves us turning left from West Med onto East Med (but now across more lanes) and either continuing in the car lane or dismounting in the road itself.

    I could support this proposal IF there were curb cuts on the east side of West Med at East Med AND the newly widened "sidewalk" had a marked bike path within it.

    I know we must bundle cycling infrastructure with larger projects. But that only works if you vote no when necessary. This is the last chance in my lifetime to address this bridge -- if you vote yes, it will remain safer to drive than to bike to north campus today.

    Please vote no.