Please vote NO on the Weber Site Plan and Development Agreement. The site plan will remove all natural features, and violates the protections provided for landmark trees. Significant ecological services that will be lost if trees are removed as proposed. Hardscape will prevail on the site. Downstream erosion and transfer of pollution and nutrients applied to lawn areas will accrue to the Huron River. Habitat for birds, pollinators, and other wildlife will be lost. The entire proposal is antithetical to the goals of our city, and disrespects our plans for use of natural resources. Further, the area of the city currently lacks adequate contribution to the city's tree canopy. Removal of the trees in the area will set back the plans for improvement of the area's and the city goals for tree canopy and green infrastructure services. Please, vote not on the proposal for the Weber Site Plan and Development agreement.
Please vote NO on the Weber Site Plan and Development Agreement. The site plan will remove all natural features, and violates the protections provided for landmark trees. Significant ecological services that will be lost if trees are removed as proposed. Hardscape will prevail on the site. Downstream erosion and transfer of pollution and nutrients applied to lawn areas will accrue to the Huron River. Habitat for birds, pollinators, and other wildlife will be lost. The entire proposal is antithetical to the goals of our city, and disrespects our plans for use of natural resources. Further, the area of the city currently lacks adequate contribution to the city's tree canopy. Removal of the trees in the area will set back the plans for improvement of the area's and the city goals for tree canopy and green infrastructure services. Please, vote not on the proposal for the Weber Site Plan and Development agreement.