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Agenda Item

CA-3 22-1651 Resolution to Prohibit On-Street Parking on the West Side of South Seventh Street from Scio Church Road to Lawton Elementary School and Incorporate Additional Speed Management and/or Traffic Calming

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    Michael Bahr about 2 years ago

    As a Lansdowne homeowner, within the defined project area, I am voicing my strong opposition to the proposed plan of eliminating on-street parking on one side of the street and installing a buffered bike lane along this quarter-mile stretch of neighborhood road. When considered, the cost alone does not merit the installation of the proposed buffered bike lane. Our city has much more pressing needs and infrastructure requirements that these dollars could be appropriately attributed towards. Additionally, the lack of real user data supporting the need for the proposed bike lane has made the discussion unnecessary and a waste of all those involved's time. The silver lining is that the discussion seems to be trending towards a much more appropriate and well-thought-out solution that prioritizes traffic calming, the safety of the neighborhood children, and us pedestrians that use the area on a daily basis.

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    Kristy Kaiser about 2 years ago

    We live on S Seventh, with our 4 kids who attend Lawton and Slauson. I urge you to vote NO on this dangerous motion that is in direct conflict with guidance in the City Transportation Plan, would make our local street MORE dangerous, and would set dangerous precedent going forward, impacting ALL residents living on local neighborhood streets. Extensive, expensive, over-engineered biking infrastructure is not needed or recommended for low traffic, 25 mph speed limit, local neighborhood streets. Speed calming is what we need to keep everyone safe and allow local streets to continue to function as shared resources for all who live in and visit the neighborhood. Please invest your time and our tax dollars on speed calming for local streets across the city, including further reducing the speed limit. The direction Councill takes on this motion will set precedent for thousands of residents living on the dozens of miles of local neighborhood streets that are part of the AAA network.