Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: October 16, 2017 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

CA-16 17-1619 Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract with White Buffalo, Inc. for Combined Surgical Sterilization and Sharpshooting Management Services for the City's Deer Population ($35,940.00 amendment/NTE total $205,940.00), Amend the FY18 Budget and Appropriate Necessary Funds ($110,000.00) (8 Votes Required)

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    Jeff Hayner over 7 years ago

    Should not be part of Consent Agenda. The # of deer planned to be killed has increased, the # of deer planned to be sterilized has decreased, MDNR has waived the 450' buffer safety rule & city seeks to kill on private property in violation of law. This s/b discussed openly, not consented to, which hides these changes from the public. It's a disgusting waste of public money that creates significant barriers to use of parks, promotes gun violence, divides the community & solves nothing.