C-1 17-1419 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 55 (Zoning), Zoning of 6.4 Acres from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to C1A/R (Campus Business Residential District) WITH CONDITIONS, 1140 Broadway Rezoning, (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 6 Yeas and 1 Nays)
This site is not campus. The nearby Medical Center is a major employment and service center, with commuting and activities far different than a pedestrian oriented college campus area. The stretch to say C1A/R meets the Master Plan for this site is wholly dependent on the mixed use nature of C1A/R. This rezoning request is specifically for a proposal that is 99% residential, thus ignoring the Master Plan and the letter and intent of C1A/R zoning, which both call for mixed use. Deny it.
I oppose this rezoning and request that City Council do so as well. While there are many reasons, I focus on the *fact* that this zoning is not typical for a site of this size (130,000 sqft) and location.
All C1A/R's in AA:
417 S 4th Ave - Doctor’s Office - 4,617 sqft
902, 904, 910, 914, 922, 928, 934 S. State - Commercial / Rental - 47,782 sqft
611 E Hoover - Rental - 1,742 sqft
Total - 54,141 sqft
Deny the zoning to avoid the "by right" situation that allowed the Foundry Lofts to be built!
Completely inappropriate zoning for parcel & neighborhood. Project as planned is NOT mixed-use & should be rejected. 99.994% residential. Area is not campus; even if considered medical campus, it does not meet mixed-use requirements of C1A/R. Zoning does not meet Master Plan for this area, is not a best land use, will destroy fabric of the adjacent historic neighborhoods, asks too many variances, degrades the traffic in the area to D,E,F & has overwhelmingly been denounced at public hearings.
This site is not campus. The nearby Medical Center is a major employment and service center, with commuting and activities far different than a pedestrian oriented college campus area. The stretch to say C1A/R meets the Master Plan for this site is wholly dependent on the mixed use nature of C1A/R. This rezoning request is specifically for a proposal that is 99% residential, thus ignoring the Master Plan and the letter and intent of C1A/R zoning, which both call for mixed use. Deny it.
I oppose this rezoning and request that City Council do so as well. While there are many reasons, I focus on the *fact* that this zoning is not typical for a site of this size (130,000 sqft) and location.
All C1A/R's in AA:
417 S 4th Ave - Doctor’s Office - 4,617 sqft
902, 904, 910, 914, 922, 928, 934 S. State - Commercial / Rental - 47,782 sqft
611 E Hoover - Rental - 1,742 sqft
Total - 54,141 sqft
Deny the zoning to avoid the "by right" situation that allowed the Foundry Lofts to be built!
Completely inappropriate zoning for parcel & neighborhood. Project as planned is NOT mixed-use & should be rejected. 99.994% residential. Area is not campus; even if considered medical campus, it does not meet mixed-use requirements of C1A/R. Zoning does not meet Master Plan for this area, is not a best land use, will destroy fabric of the adjacent historic neighborhoods, asks too many variances, degrades the traffic in the area to D,E,F & has overwhelmingly been denounced at public hearings.