CA-9 17-1456 Resolution to Approve Three-Year Professional Services Agreements for Architectural Services for Parks & Recreation with Mitchell and Mouat Architects and Kohler Architects (NTE Annual $150,000.00 per firm)
Related to CA-8 17-1455: Cost displayed in this agenda item disguise the full expense, (3 yrs x 2 consultants x $150,000 = $900,000). Pls be more up-front with total funding requests. Per year exp. is $150,000 per consultant, but the total for CA-9 17-1456 + CA-9 17-145 = $1.8M, buried in Consent Agenda, deserves more transparent discussion of the commitment to paying these consultants. How will the design/architectural expenses for individual projects be assessed? Did other consultants apply?
Please remove from consent agenda for discussion. What is the expressed stated need for this service? Why would we be writing blank checks for almost $1 million dollars ($900,000) when the mayor has stated we are facing structural deficits? Combined with CA-8 the total committed funds are $1.8 million/3 years. The RFP's do not link properly from this agenda item, so public is unable to know how these vendors were chosen. Concerns over vendor conflicts of interest, cronyism.
Related to CA-8 17-1455: Cost displayed in this agenda item disguise the full expense, (3 yrs x 2 consultants x $150,000 = $900,000). Pls be more up-front with total funding requests. Per year exp. is $150,000 per consultant, but the total for CA-9 17-1456 + CA-9 17-145 = $1.8M, buried in Consent Agenda, deserves more transparent discussion of the commitment to paying these consultants. How will the design/architectural expenses for individual projects be assessed? Did other consultants apply?
Please remove from consent agenda for discussion. What is the expressed stated need for this service? Why would we be writing blank checks for almost $1 million dollars ($900,000) when the mayor has stated we are facing structural deficits? Combined with CA-8 the total committed funds are $1.8 million/3 years. The RFP's do not link properly from this agenda item, so public is unable to know how these vendors were chosen. Concerns over vendor conflicts of interest, cronyism.