Regarding the ordinance to repeal and replace Chapter 113 being approved for second reads in the last Council meeting, I’m encouraging Council to reject the proposed ordinance to repeal and replace Chapter 113 as it is currently written. Research shows that most people using model glue are adolescents struggling with mental health issues. Jailing a 19-year-old for up to 90 days, as the proposed ordinance would allow, will not address why they are using glue in the first place. I appreciate that Council is seeking clarity over the city’s police regulations as drugs are concerned. The Council has an opportunity here to clarify that Ann Arbor believes in treating drug use as a matter of public health. Giving the lowest law enforcement priority to the revised chapter 113, and publicizing this decision, will encourage those addicted to model glue to seek help. Doing so would further cement Ann Arbor’s status as a leader moving towards drug policies that are rooted in public health.
Regarding the ordinance to repeal and replace Chapter 113 being approved for second reads in the last Council meeting, I’m encouraging Council to reject the proposed ordinance to repeal and replace Chapter 113 as it is currently written. Research shows that most people using model glue are adolescents struggling with mental health issues. Jailing a 19-year-old for up to 90 days, as the proposed ordinance would allow, will not address why they are using glue in the first place. I appreciate that Council is seeking clarity over the city’s police regulations as drugs are concerned. The Council has an opportunity here to clarify that Ann Arbor believes in treating drug use as a matter of public health. Giving the lowest law enforcement priority to the revised chapter 113, and publicizing this decision, will encourage those addicted to model glue to seek help. Doing so would further cement Ann Arbor’s status as a leader moving towards drug policies that are rooted in public health.