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Agenda Item

CA-7 21-1915 Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Wade Trim Associates, Inc. for Engineering Design Services for the State and Hill Streets Improvements Project ($449,034.00) (RFP 21-27)

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    Victoria Green about 3 years ago

    Hi, folks. I'm very excited to see this work commencing!

    But one comment: the design presupposition seems to be a separated two-way bike lane on the west (U-M) side of State. So folks headed north (from the State/Eisenhower area) will have to cross State at Granger to get into the now lefthand bike lane and then recross State 4 blocks later to get into the right hand bike lane at Hoover?

    The State Street protected bike lane needs to be the first step in a great network whether you're traveling north or outh. Engineering deliverables should include rational pathways all the way across the area -- e.g., for someone biking from the Tennis Center to campus and someone from the south headed to downtown by connecting to the Packard bike lanes by turning left.

    I urge you to reconsider whether bike lanes on each side of the road are a better solution. At a minimum, deliverables should include the full pathway for a northbound cyclist connecting to Packard or to campus.

    Thank you!