Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: September 05, 2017 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

CA-10 17-1155 Resolution to Approve the Purchase of One Single Axle Bucket Truck and One Single Axle Digger Derrick Truck from Terex Utilities Inc. (National Joint Purchasing Alliance; $412,165.00)

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    Jeff Hayner over 7 years ago

    My original comment was not recorded. I would like someone on city council to ask what this expense is for? Are we replacing aging equipment or is housing/population growth requiring this new equipment? No one ever seems to question these expenses, and I wonder if they are outside of the budget process? We are looking at over $500K for a few vehicles on this consent agenda alone. These are for utility work - like hoisting phone poles - how often does the city do that, and why?