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Agenda Item

CA-1 21-1442 Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with DLZ Michigan, Inc. for Engineering Design Services for the E. Medical Center Drive Bridge Rehabilitation and Widening Project ($1,011,319.29) (RFP 21-20)

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    Matthew Catanzarite over 3 years ago

    Please don't approve this contract until these issues are addressed:
    1.There has been no opportunity for public input on the proposed roadway changes.
    2.A City Council resolution passed on June 15, 2015 calls for the city to complete trail improvements in Fuller / Maiden Lane / East Medical Center Drive area before or concurrently with intersection improvements.
    3.The City's officially-adopted A2Zero plan calls for a significant reduction in overall vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in our city. Widening roads will achieve the opposite outcome.
    4. Much of the community, was unaware of this plan until a few days ago.
    5.This is the ideal time to build the B2B trail connections and widen the west bridge sidewalk.
    6. "Improving traffic flow" is not a reliable outcome and should not be a goal if it is not measured equally for all road users.

    Matthew Catanzarite