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Agenda Item

PH-1 21-1404 An Ordinance to Amend Sections 7:360, 7:361 and 7:362 and to Amend by Adding New Sections Which Sections Shall Be Designated as 7:363, 7:364 and 7:365 of Chapter 91 (Endangered Species) of Title VII (Businesses and Trades) of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (ORD-21-26)

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    Manish Mehta over 3 years ago

    Dear Ann Arbor City Council and residents- This is our big chance to take the moral high road and lead the world by stopping/banning the sale of fur and hence, our support for an outdated industry that exploits sentient animals and inflicts unspeakable cruelty to millions of innocent and voiceless animals around the world. There is no need to kill animals for sacrifice, for skins, flesh, blood or artifacts. We must not live at the expense of other souls of fellow earthlings. Please do the right thing as an exemplary community and ban the sale of fur in our community!
    Manish Mehta
    Resident of Ward 2

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    Brenda Benjamin over 3 years ago

    As a resident of Ann Arbor I fully support the ban of selling fur in our city. The methods of obtaining fur from animals is extremely cruel and most consumers are completely unaware of how these animals suffer. I truly believe that if consumers were presented with information on the reality of fur farms and trapping, that they would easily avoid a fur purchase. With so many incredible synthetic and ethically sourced options available to replace fur it would be wonderful to encourage sale of these items instead. Please vote to ban all fur sale in Ann Arbor.

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    Sadie Buckles over 3 years ago

    On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 3,100 supporters in Ann Arbor, we urge the city council to support the proposed ban on the sale of new fur products. Investigations by PETA and our international affiliates have revealed that animals on fur farms are confined to cramped, filthy wire cages and display signs of psychological distress, such as frantic circling and self-mutilation. Animals suffer from infections, gaping wounds, and other illnesses and injuries that are typically left untreated. After enduring a life of misery, animals are beaten, electrocuted, gassed, or even skinned alive.

    Virologists and epidemiologists confirm that cramming animals together in unsanitary conditions creates the perfect breeding grounds for dangerous diseases that can jump to humans. The horrid conditions on fur farms have led to outbreaks of COVID-19, including in Michigan. For the sake of animals and public health, we urge you to support this ban on fur.

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    Margaret Sadoff over 3 years ago

    I wholeheartedly support the proposal to ban the sale of fur in Ann Arbor. The fur industry is a cruel and completely unnecessary trade, not to mention a threat to public health – the filthy, crowded conditions on mink farms is but one example. If we have learned anything over the past year and a half, it is that our actions matter. Everything we do, every interaction we have with the natural world, has consequences. I applaud Ann Arbor for taking a leadership role on this issue and hope that it will serve as a beacon for other Michigan and Midwest cities to follow on our way toward a more compassionate, sustainable, and humane society. Thank you to all council members and Mayor Taylor for supporting this measure at the preliminary read. Special thanks to council members Briggs, Hayner and Radina for sponsoring this ordinance. PLEASE VOTE TO BAN THE SALE OF FUR IN ANN ARBOR.
    Thank you,
    Margaret M. Sadoff
    Ward 5 Resident

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    Melissa Walley over 3 years ago

    Raising animals for their fur is deplorable and inhumane. Ban fur farms in our state, our country, our world.

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    Jeff Zick over 3 years ago

    As a resident of the Pittsfield neighborhood on the east side of Ann Arbor, I urge passage of this ordinance to enshrine the compassion for animals that is a hallmark of our city. As an undergrad at U-M some 30 years ago, I studied moral philosophy and lead the campus animal rights group. After graduating I moved to Washington D.C. to apply my beliefs regarding our ethical duties to our fellow sentient animals, with whom we share common evolutionary ancestors and, critically, the capacities to have interests and to suffer. After working for nonprofits out of state for decades, I returned to Ann Arbor 6 years ago to raise my now 7 year-old daughter in a caring community. I am proud to raise her in a place where her and my respect for animals is the norm. Governments worldwide are moving to ban the truly immoral fur trade as public awareness evolves. I sadly must watch fur farm investigation footage in my job and the abuses are utterly ghastly. Please do the right thing. Thank you.

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    Clem Cat over 3 years ago

    Please stop the cruel torture. No animal deserves this suffering. We are the future and do not need to use fur!

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    Mary Zahler over 3 years ago

    Michigan is where I was born and raised and I am completely for a fur ban. In Ann Arbor and everywhere else too. The fur trade is archaic, inhumane, and cruel.

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    Carol Fletcher over 3 years ago

    In this current age there is no reason that people need to wear fur other than to support their egos. Animals that are used for fur are raised and/or trapped under brutal conditions. They may cause problems with public health as well, i.e. being able to carry COVID-19. Ann Arbor has a chance to be a positive example by banning the sale of products that incorporate fur.

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    Danielle Graham over 3 years ago

    I am writing, as a Michigan resident, to express my support of the Ann Arbor Fur Ban Ordinance File #21-1404. Animals on fur farms spend their entire lives in tiny cages, subjected to horrendous cruelty and neglect - only to be killed for a piece of fashion. Fur farms also pose a public health risk; the spread of COVID-19 on mink farms has been well documented in numerous countries. There have been multiple outbreaks of COVID-19 on mink fur farms in the United States, including Michigan.

    I believe the town of Ann Arbor, MI, is a compassionate municipality that cares about the welfare of all animals and the public health of its citizens. By enacting a fur sale ban, Ann Arbor will join the growing list of cities, states and countries that have taken a stand against fur.

    Danielle Graham

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    Freda Herseth over 3 years ago

    As a resident of Ann Arbor, I implore you to ban the sale of fur in Ann Arbor. The millions of animals held captive in tiny, cramped, filthy cages are mistreated in other ways as well as 'housing'. Many end up with zoochosis, which is a captivity induced insanity. Animals gnaw on the bars of the cage, frantically pace the cages, and self-mutilate. They are then often killed using primitive means, such as gassing, breaking their necks, electrocution, and some are even skinned alive!
    Cramming animals together in these inhumane conditions leads to health issues for society as well. Ann Arbor needs to stand up for those who cannot help themselves. Make a strong stand against the fur trade and any other trade that is conducted at the expense of the lives and well-being of endangered species.
    Thank you,
    Freda Herseth

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    Katie Slotter over 3 years ago

    I'm writing on behalf of Farm Sanctuary to encourage passage of ordinance number ORD-21-26, under consideration to prohibit the sale of fur in Ann Arbor.

    Animal furs are typically obtained through cruel methods, whether from animals trapped in the wild or from animals who are crowded in stressful factory farms, which are a breeding ground for disease.

    As a society that values compassion, we should act to prevent unnecessary animal suffering, and accordingly, we urge your support of this humane measure.

    Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

    Gene Baur
    President and Cofounder

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    Gail Hansen over 3 years ago

    Ann Arbor can be a leader by ending fur sales through this ordinance. The link between animals and the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID19 is undeniable. I have over 25 years experience in infectious disease epidemiology and have followed COVID19 closely. The virus is mutating rapidly among mink and not only circulates on mink farms, but has spread to wild mink in Utah and Oregon near mink farms. Mink can become re-infected and spread the disease even without symptoms; vaccination of mink will not be sufficient to eradicate the virus. This creates the potential for a reservoir for the disease, creating a long-term risk of the virus recirculating and mutating not only in mink, but also in people. On mink farms, the virus poses a high risk to humans, who can contract mutated COVID19 from mink as was seen in Michigan, the Netherlands and Denmark. SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks on fur farms represents a serious global public health risk, demonstrating the need to end fur sales.

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    Chris DeRose over 3 years ago

    My name is Chris DeRose, Founder and President of Last Chance for Animals (LCA). I am writing to you on behalf of LCA and its supporters. LCA fully supports the Fur Ban Ordinance that will ban the sale of new fur products in Ann Arbor, MI.

    Animals on fur farms spend their entire lives in tiny cages, subjected to horrendous cruelty and neglect - only to be killed for fashion. In 2018, LCA released an undercover investigation into Millbank, a mink fur farm in Ontario – the practices documented were so cruel the farm plead guilty to failing to comply with prescribed standards of care and paid a monetary penalty.

    Fur farms pose a public health risk; there have been multiple outbreaks of COVID-19 on mink fur farms in the U.S, including Michigan. As the Delta variant spreads rapidly in humans and countries are bracing for a fourth wave, banning the sale of fur products sends the message that Ann Arbor does not put the profit of an industry over the public health of its citizens.