C-1 21-1261 An Ordinance to Amend Section 8:530 of Chapter 105 (Housing: Entry to Show Premises and Time for Rental Agreements) of Title VIII (Building Regulations) of the Ann Arbor City Code
I can see some rationale for extending the current 70-day marketing waiting period up to maybe as much as 100 days from the start date. Changing to 150 days from the end of the lease would substantially change the longstanding typical marketing period. It would move it from the current Dec-Apr to a compressed Apr-Jun marketing period. This could have unintended negative consequences for all parties, especially incoming/moving students and faculty.
Item 4. Successive Lease Periods: This seems to give tenants the right to occupy the property indefinitely. This is not fair to either landlords or potential incoming tenants. In my 33 years as a landlord, I have learned that the power of EITHER party to end the occupancy at the end of the committed term is key to a mutually respectful and balanced relationship. This clause would almost certainly cause unintended negative outcomes. I recommend that this clause be deleted.
I can see some rationale for extending the current 70-day marketing waiting period up to maybe as much as 100 days from the start date. Changing to 150 days from the end of the lease would substantially change the longstanding typical marketing period. It would move it from the current Dec-Apr to a compressed Apr-Jun marketing period. This could have unintended negative consequences for all parties, especially incoming/moving students and faculty.
Item 4. Successive Lease Periods: This seems to give tenants the right to occupy the property indefinitely. This is not fair to either landlords or potential incoming tenants. In my 33 years as a landlord, I have learned that the power of EITHER party to end the occupancy at the end of the committed term is key to a mutually respectful and balanced relationship. This clause would almost certainly cause unintended negative outcomes. I recommend that this clause be deleted.