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Agenda Item

DC-2 21-1249 Resolution To Approve the Development Agreement and Amendment to the Swift Run Service Center Planned Unit Development for the Wheeler Center Solar Array With Pittsfield Charter Township

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    Ken Garber over 3 years ago

    I don’t oppose this development agreement and PUD for a solar array on the landfill. We need new renewable power generation, the site is suitable, and this paves the way. But as we move to bidding, I’m troubled by the lack of any public debate over the ownership aspect. Under the DTE VGP settlement, approved 3 days after posting with basically no public discussion, the city will build the solar farm (at a possible cost to tax- or rate-payers of tens of millions of dollars) but DTE will own it. The city will be ‘anchor tenant,’ choosing which customers buy RECs or other credits from DTE based on site generation. We thus subsidize DTE, by building them renewable generation they should build themselves, and cede control of a valuable asset. The stated reason is that DTE will assume liability for problems at the capped landfill, so individual subscribers won’t be liable. Will individuals really be responsible? Overall, seems like a bad deal for us. Let's have a community conversation now.