C-3 21-0870 An Ordinance to Add Sections 5.12.9 and to Amend Sections 5.15, 5.16.3, 5.17.4 and 5.20.4 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (New Zoning District TC1 Transit Corridor)
Yes! We need more housing near shopping and work! I strongly support transit corridor multi-use zoning and improved transit! (Yay, Moving Ann Arbor Together Toward Vision Zero, too).
Transit oriented development?
We need more housing. Where better to put it than along existing transit corridors that will benefit from the synergy? Mass transit works better when more people ride mass transit.
The City should not proceed with plans for transit corridor zoning and upbuilding until all residents of the city have been fully informed and can consider the implications of these plans. Fundamental changes in zoning should not be done without city-wide consideration of the comprehensive reform of the Master Plan. Moving ahead without the full engagement of the community is irresponsible.
I strongly support transit corridor zoning and look forward to the changes it will bring to my neighborhood as a resident of the fourth ward who lives close to the West Stadium corridor. Furthermore, I hope there is strong synergy between this and the Moving Together toward Vision Zero transportation plan. These corridors should emphasize transit and active transportation over automobiles.
Yes! We need more housing near shopping and work! I strongly support transit corridor multi-use zoning and improved transit! (Yay, Moving Ann Arbor Together Toward Vision Zero, too).
Transit oriented development?
We need more housing. Where better to put it than along existing transit corridors that will benefit from the synergy? Mass transit works better when more people ride mass transit.
The City should not proceed with plans for transit corridor zoning and upbuilding until all residents of the city have been fully informed and can consider the implications of these plans. Fundamental changes in zoning should not be done without city-wide consideration of the comprehensive reform of the Master Plan. Moving ahead without the full engagement of the community is irresponsible.
More housing for people, less for cars? Sign me up!
I strongly support transit corridor zoning and look forward to the changes it will bring to my neighborhood as a resident of the fourth ward who lives close to the West Stadium corridor. Furthermore, I hope there is strong synergy between this and the Moving Together toward Vision Zero transportation plan. These corridors should emphasize transit and active transportation over automobiles.