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Agenda Item

E-1 21-0826 ZBA21-013; 625 North Fourth Street Rob Fowler, representing property owner, is requesting relief from Section 5.32.2 Alteration to a Nonconforming Structure. The subject property is zoned R4C Multiple-Family Dwelling and is a nonconforming duplex that does not meet the required lot area, lot width and setbacks for the district. The applicant is seeking to add a second story to the existing structure that will increase both units to six bedrooms.

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    Alicia Judit over 3 years ago

    My husband and I oppose this agenda item because 1) This project will be a new structure, it is not an alteration as described by the applicant, so should be denied or subject to all the requirements of a new construction. 2) This project will have a detrimental effect on the neighborhood. This 12-bedroom project is well beyond the scope of what should be considered an “alteration” and it does not agree with recommendations of the R4C/R2C Zoning District Study Advisory Committee.