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Agenda Item

8-b. 21-0776 Reconsideration of Amendments to Modify Home Occupation Regulations in Section 5.16.6.H of Chapter 55 Unified Development Code for City Council Approval. (Planning Commission Action)

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    Josh Williams almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for taking the time to reconsider! I second Francis Mills' comments and questions. I appreciate your effort to balance the huge amount of change we have experienced in regards to home and work. Thank you!

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    Francis Mills almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for having the courage to reconsider this question. I support reconsideration and postponement.

    Also, I appreciate you for being receptive to the 20 persons who spoke last week in support of "treating metal working like wood working." I/they seek an amendment to have "machine shops/metal working" removed from the list of prohibited Home Occupations.

    Questions for 4/20:

    1. When will a recording of the Planning Commission's Special Meeting on 4/13 be made available?

    2.. Could Planning Commissioners with questions or concerns about protecting Home Machine Shops please speak up during discussions on 4/20 so that members of the public can more effectively structure our comments and suggestions, when the issue is back on the agenda.

    3.. How do Commissioners feel about supporting amendments to:

    a. strike article "4.h. Machine shop/metal working" from the proposed language

    b. add "Home Machine Shop" to the list of enumerated protected home occupations