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Agenda Item

C-1 21-0589 An Ordinance to Amend Section 5.15 (Table 5-15-2) and Section 5.16.6 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (Accessory Dwelling Units)

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    JJ Griffin IV almost 4 years ago

    Item e. on this list of “Prohibited Home Occupations” includes “Recording Studios” and I respectfully am urging the council to remove this from the proposal. First, many independent sound engineers would be forced into renting space outside of Ann Arbor if they could not afford to rent space in the city. When you force creative individuals out of an area it detrimentally impacts the cultural identity of that city. Second, the suppression of independent home-based recording studios would effectively stifle creativity in the community. They have been a part of the city’s musical legacy for decades and Ann Arbor would not be what it is, in part, without the work of numerous underground recording engineers. There is a major difference between a home recording studio and a mortuary. The fact that they were virtually equated in this proposal demonstrates that all the nuances of this amendment need to be revisited prior to any final vote.