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Agenda Item

CA-6 21-0649 Resolution to Approve Amendment Number 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Rivenoak Law Group, P.C. for Legal Services Relative to Sustainability Initiatives ($20,000.00; total not to exceed $65,000.00)

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    Ken Garber almost 4 years ago

    I support this additional funding for Rivenoak and its energy attorney, Valerie Brader, through the end of the 2021 fiscal year in June. However, please make Ms. Brader's legal memoranda and opinions for the city available to the public, to the extent possible. Many elements of the amendment, including "analysis of the City’s options related to: Voluntary Green Pricing program, creation of a new municipal tariff, power purchase agreements, pathways for community choice aggregation, and municipalization of energy," are of intense public interest and active community discussion, especially municipalization. Ms. Brader's expert opinions will have long term consequences for city energy policy. That's also true for the building code analyses and rental housing energy efficiency measures under consideration. This is an opportunity, through greater transparency, to better serve taxpayers and to engage more of the community in these important discussions.