DC-4 21-0617 Resolution Condemning Hate Crimes, Hateful Rhetoric, and Hateful Acts against Asians and Asian Americans, Encouraging Ann Arbor Residents to Report Hate Crimes and Harassment to the Proper Authorities
Thank you, the City Council and Mayor Taylor, for this Resolution to protect the AAPI community and making Ann Arbor the best and safe place in the nation for living for all!
Thank you for your support. As we work together to combat all forms of hate, violence, misogyny, and xenophobia, let's confront harmful stereotypes of Asian Americans that are often overlooked and ignored.
Thank you to Council and Mayor Taylor for this Resolution. It's wonderful to live in a community where Asians are acknowledged and elected to the City Council. I personally greatly appreciated Mayor Taylor's video of support a year ago. Thanks in advance for passing this Resolution.
Thank you, the City Council and Mayor Taylor, for this Resolution to protect the AAPI community and making Ann Arbor the best and safe place in the nation for living for all!
Thank you for your support. As we work together to combat all forms of hate, violence, misogyny, and xenophobia, let's confront harmful stereotypes of Asian Americans that are often overlooked and ignored.
Thank you for taking up this matter and making Ann Arbor a diverse and inclusive community.
My thanks and appreciation to Ann Arbor Council and Mayor Taylor. You're the best.
Big thanks to the Mayor and City Council for making Ann Arbor the best community to live, work, study, and raise families.
Thank you to Council and Mayor Taylor for this Resolution. It's wonderful to live in a community where Asians are acknowledged and elected to the City Council. I personally greatly appreciated Mayor Taylor's video of support a year ago. Thanks in advance for passing this Resolution.