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Agenda Item

DB-2 20-1796 Resolution to Approve 2111 Packard Site Plan and Development Agreement, at 2111 Packard Street (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 0 Nays).

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    Ken Garber about 4 years ago

    This project is excellent. (And I am someone skeptical of most development proposals.) It's transit-oriented, taking advantage of adjacent bus and biking availability. It’s not overparked. Besides the 72 apartments it has some street-front retail; and it's scaled for the neighborhood. Critically, given the climate emergency, the sustainability elements here are outstanding. The rooftop solar is just the start. Much more importantly, the building heating system is electrified--it employs heat pumps, no gas furnaces or boilers. (This has 6-7 times the emissions reduction impact of solar.) Note that the developer is adding solar and going electric without staff, planning commission, the public or council even having to ask. As for the George's very real problems down the street, 2111 Packard is much different: Smaller, lower construction costs, less expensive commercial rents, much less car-centric, by a local developer with a long term commitment to the success of the project.