PH-3 20-1777 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 55 (Zoning), Rezoning of 7.23 Acres from R1C (Single-Family Residential District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development District), Lockwood of Ann Arbor PUD Zoning and Supplemental Regulations, 2195 East Ellsworth (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 0 Nays)
This is a good proposal; the 65 affordable units are critical. But it lacks sustainability elements. Lockwood especially should go all-electric. The A2Zero plan’s Strategy 2 action 1 includes this assumption: “All new residential and commercial buildings are designed and built to operate without the use of natural gas.” This is now city policy. And it’s technically and economically feasible, as shown by the Valhalla Glen and Veridian projects, and now 2111 Packard. New VRF heat pump systems are highly efficient and work well in our climate. Commission made its Sept. 15 approval recommendation contingent on Lockwood’s serious consideration of solar panels and building electrification. Lockwood was to either add them, or explain why not. Zach Ackerman specifically requested that Lockwood provide a written cost comparison between gas and electric building heat. Council should critically review the relevant sustainability material before voting. If it's unsatisfactory, please postpone.
This is a good proposal; the 65 affordable units are critical. But it lacks sustainability elements. Lockwood especially should go all-electric. The A2Zero plan’s Strategy 2 action 1 includes this assumption: “All new residential and commercial buildings are designed and built to operate without the use of natural gas.” This is now city policy. And it’s technically and economically feasible, as shown by the Valhalla Glen and Veridian projects, and now 2111 Packard. New VRF heat pump systems are highly efficient and work well in our climate. Commission made its Sept. 15 approval recommendation contingent on Lockwood’s serious consideration of solar panels and building electrification. Lockwood was to either add them, or explain why not. Zach Ackerman specifically requested that Lockwood provide a written cost comparison between gas and electric building heat. Council should critically review the relevant sustainability material before voting. If it's unsatisfactory, please postpone.