9-a 20-1739 Near North Townhomes Rezoning and Site Plan for City Council Approval with Planned Project Modifications - 700 North Main Street. A petition to rezone this 1.2-acre site from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to R4C (Multiple-Family Dwelling) district, and a site plan for 22 townhouses including a request to reduce the front setback from 25 feet to 10 feet and the rear setback from 33 feet to 22 feet. Development of this project will involve removal of 5 landmark trees, mitigation proposed, and some fill of the floodplain, mitigation proposed. Staff Recommendation: Approval
I am an adjacent property owner at 711 N. 4th Ave. I am happy that a housing project will be developed at this site. I am in support of the project as a whole but oppose approval of the plans as submitted. I do not feel that the plans are specific enough re: how the north and east elevations will look. With the newly proposed rear setbacks, I am not comfortable that adjoining properties will be sufficiently buffered. The last time we saw any plans was 2018. I think it would be fair for the developers to offer another public participation meeting to go over the changes in detail, so that we can all be comfortable and know what to expect from the project.
The rear setback according to R4C (as stated in the staff report ) is 47’ 3”. The proposed 22’ is way too close to the east side neighbors. This proposed setback will cause major shade over the neighboring properties on the east side. My primary residence is on the east side of this development and it is unfair for me to get deprived from natural sunlight that I will be getting if the planning department upholds and enforce the setback as stated in the Unified Development Code.
Development is good BUT development MUST match the land allowed envelop and should not cause devastation for the other properties by getting exemptions. The table at Page 6 of staff report clearly shows that this project is over extending on the set back in a major way..... Why is the planning department recommending the approval against the “UDC”?
This project needs to get scaled to only one row of housing so it fits the land properly and does not create issues for the neighboring properties.
There is issue with the Shade that is created by the rear setback reduction increased height. As is, the properties that are on the east side of the property will suffer tremendously by the induced shade which no plantation will be growing there and the existing backyards will be ruined due to reduction of the sunlight that they will get by the proper (per code) setback.
I own properties on 4th Ave. and with in the short distance of this project and I am all for development of this property but trying to squeeze too much is NOT right given the fact that it requires deviation from setback.
I am disturbed that the planning dept. is OK with this front & rear setback reduction and is recommending this reduction... while at 717 N. 4th, the request for closing 4' of front porch for a vestibule was rejected due to setback (even though no foot print and/or stairs would have moved from the existing location). It is only FAIR if the rules/codes apply to ALL not just small property owners...
I am an adjacent property owner at 711 N. 4th Ave. I am happy that a housing project will be developed at this site. I am in support of the project as a whole but oppose approval of the plans as submitted. I do not feel that the plans are specific enough re: how the north and east elevations will look. With the newly proposed rear setbacks, I am not comfortable that adjoining properties will be sufficiently buffered. The last time we saw any plans was 2018. I think it would be fair for the developers to offer another public participation meeting to go over the changes in detail, so that we can all be comfortable and know what to expect from the project.
The rear setback according to R4C (as stated in the staff report ) is 47’ 3”. The proposed 22’ is way too close to the east side neighbors. This proposed setback will cause major shade over the neighboring properties on the east side. My primary residence is on the east side of this development and it is unfair for me to get deprived from natural sunlight that I will be getting if the planning department upholds and enforce the setback as stated in the Unified Development Code.
Development is good BUT development MUST match the land allowed envelop and should not cause devastation for the other properties by getting exemptions. The table at Page 6 of staff report clearly shows that this project is over extending on the set back in a major way..... Why is the planning department recommending the approval against the “UDC”?
This project needs to get scaled to only one row of housing so it fits the land properly and does not create issues for the neighboring properties.
There is issue with the Shade that is created by the rear setback reduction increased height. As is, the properties that are on the east side of the property will suffer tremendously by the induced shade which no plantation will be growing there and the existing backyards will be ruined due to reduction of the sunlight that they will get by the proper (per code) setback.
I own properties on 4th Ave. and with in the short distance of this project and I am all for development of this property but trying to squeeze too much is NOT right given the fact that it requires deviation from setback.
I am disturbed that the planning dept. is OK with this front & rear setback reduction and is recommending this reduction... while at 717 N. 4th, the request for closing 4' of front porch for a vestibule was rejected due to setback (even though no foot print and/or stairs would have moved from the existing location). It is only FAIR if the rules/codes apply to ALL not just small property owners...