7 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/COMMENT (Persons may speak for three minutes about an item that is NOT listed as a public hearing on this agenda. Please state your name and address for the record.)
My name is Lily Sack-Hubbard. I live at 2818 Lillian 48104. I oppose the Bright Dawn Development moving forward with opening Burton Road onto Eli. A legitimate and current traffic study has not been completed. This study needs to take into account the large number of children who walk to Pittsfield Elementary school (where there a no sidewalks along a busy Yost Blvd, despite speed bumps as a "traffic calming" method), and the presence of Forestbrooke Pool on Eli that contributes lots of pedestrians. Opening another street into a neighborhood does not seem to align with the city's Health Streets initiative, which has significantly benefitted our community. I implore the Committee to not move forward with Bright Dawn until all options have been explored, including opening Burton directly to Washtenaw, which is the end goal of the traffic. Adding more traffic into a residential neighborhood with lots of walkers is unsafe and will have a negative impact on Forestbrooke's community.
My name is Lily Sack-Hubbard. I live at 2818 Lillian 48104. I oppose the Bright Dawn Development moving forward with opening Burton Road onto Eli. A legitimate and current traffic study has not been completed. This study needs to take into account the large number of children who walk to Pittsfield Elementary school (where there a no sidewalks along a busy Yost Blvd, despite speed bumps as a "traffic calming" method), and the presence of Forestbrooke Pool on Eli that contributes lots of pedestrians. Opening another street into a neighborhood does not seem to align with the city's Health Streets initiative, which has significantly benefitted our community. I implore the Committee to not move forward with Bright Dawn until all options have been explored, including opening Burton directly to Washtenaw, which is the end goal of the traffic. Adding more traffic into a residential neighborhood with lots of walkers is unsafe and will have a negative impact on Forestbrooke's community.