DC-4 20-1491 Resolution to Direct the City Administrator and City Attorney to Conduct Due Diligence and Prepare an Ordinance for Dissolution of the DDA
Having worked closely with the DDA for 13 years, I can say that the DDA is one of the most effective and productive bodies in the city. It understands that downtown is the heartbeat of the city and focuses its resources on improving the downtown and the parking & mobility system, ever since the city took all the parking revenue and let the parking structures literally fall down. It supports residents and businesses; it understands that parking and pedestrians are a system; it provides staffing and programming to support liveliness and vitality; it partners with many, many other entities to further its goals and theirs. It operates with substantial public input to its plan and strategies; it uses its resources wisely. There is no good that can come from dissolving the DDA, and shame on the CMs proposing this. If it passed, I urge the Mayor to veto it.
I have lived and worked in Ann Arbor for over 10 years, as both an employer and employee. The DDA has been an invaluable partner in providing solutions to getting people to work in downtown Ann Arbor: via buses with the go!pass program, via bikes with projects like the William St bikeway, and via cars with their management of downtown parking.
I know these are unprecedented times for Ann Arbor. Our downtown is well served by the DDA, and it would be a mistake dissolve them.
Having worked closely with the DDA for 13 years, I can say that the DDA is one of the most effective and productive bodies in the city. It understands that downtown is the heartbeat of the city and focuses its resources on improving the downtown and the parking & mobility system, ever since the city took all the parking revenue and let the parking structures literally fall down. It supports residents and businesses; it understands that parking and pedestrians are a system; it provides staffing and programming to support liveliness and vitality; it partners with many, many other entities to further its goals and theirs. It operates with substantial public input to its plan and strategies; it uses its resources wisely. There is no good that can come from dissolving the DDA, and shame on the CMs proposing this. If it passed, I urge the Mayor to veto it.
I have lived and worked in Ann Arbor for over 10 years, as both an employer and employee. The DDA has been an invaluable partner in providing solutions to getting people to work in downtown Ann Arbor: via buses with the go!pass program, via bikes with projects like the William St bikeway, and via cars with their management of downtown parking.
I know these are unprecedented times for Ann Arbor. Our downtown is well served by the DDA, and it would be a mistake dissolve them.