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Agenda Item

AC-1 20-1434 September 21, 2020 Agenda Response Memo and eComments

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    Colin MacDougall over 4 years ago

    Thank you Honorable City Council for allowing me to comment. My name is Colin MacDougall, and I am a Ann Arbor City resident, but have worked multiple jobs within the city limits. I would like to urge you to support the Decriminalize Nature Resolution. Entheogenic plants and fungi help individuals overcome issues such as PTSD, anxiety, treatment resistant depression, cluster headaches, substance abuse disorder, and other health issues. Working in the past as a budtender at one of Ann Arbor's medical cannabis facilities, many patients ask about medicinal uses of mushrooms and other entheogens. I think Ann Arbor should set the example in the Midwest, and make theses substances lowest law enforcement priority. I have personally been arrest for possessing cannabis and mushrooms in the past, but I have also had many profound indescribable experiences on these substances. The experiences have my mood, relationships, my creativity and overall happiness to improve. Please Decriminalize Nature