9-b 20-1260 Proposed Amendments to Chapter 55 Unified Development Code for City Council Approval - An ordinance for several amendments to Chapter 55, Unified Development Code: 1) amendments to Table 5.15.-2 Permitted Accessory Use Table and Section 5.16.6 Accessory Uses and Structures to allow accessory dwelling units in the R2A district; 2) amendment to Section 5.28.8 Security for Completion of Improvements to allow security to be posted for all required site improvements prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy; 3) amendment to Section 5.17.6.C Building Design Requirements on Primary and Secondary Streets to prohibit fiber cement products as façade material; 4) amendment to Section 5.17.4 Mixed Use Zoning Districts to allow area dedicated as right-of-way for new or widened public sidewalks to be considered as part of lot area; 5) amendment to correct fence graphic label in Section 5.26 Fences; 6) amendment to correct footnote D reference in Table 5.17-4 Mixed Use Zoning District Dimensions; 7) amendment to correct marijuana-infused product processor as permitted use in M1, M1A, and M2 districts in Table 5.15-1 Permitted Primary Use Table; 8) amendment to reformat Tables 5.17-1 through 5 to landscape orientation and incorporate more footnotes into the table body for simplification. Staff recommendation: Approval