10-a 20-1183 Veridian at County Farm Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning and Supplemental Regs for City Council Approval - A request to rezone a 13.6-acre site at 2270 Platt Rd from Public Land (PL) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) district, and to approve Supplemental Regulations with the unique development standards for the PUD district. These standards address minimum or maximum (as appropriate) density, unit types, building setbacks, building height, building spacing, open space, landscaping and buffering, off-street parking, amenities, sustainability and conservation. Two site plans consistent with the proposed zoning and Supplemental Regulations are also, separately, proposed. Staff Recommendation: Approval
Veridian at County Farm North Site Plan (Avalon) for City Council Approval - A proposed site plan for 50 apartments in nine 3-story buildings on a 4.70-acre site at 2270 Platt Rd in a proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning district. The proposed development is designed to seamlessly connect with a proposed residential development adjacent to the south. Staff Recommendation: Approval
Veridian at County Farm South Site Plan (Thrive) for City Council Approval - A proposed site plan to develop 99 homes, including detached, attached, and apartments, and community buildings, on an 8.50-acre site at 2270 Platt Rd in a proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning district. The development is designed to seamlessly connect with another proposed residential development adjacent to the north in the same proposed PUD district. Staff Recommendation: Approval